Maricopa Sun

HCP and ITP Compliance | Pre-construction Surveys | Construction & Mitigation Monitoring

The project has a USFWS Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and CDFW Incidental Take Permit (ITP). Live Oak Associates has completed annual Tier 1 and 2 surveys for San Joaquin kit fox, Tipton’s kangaroo rat, burrowing owl, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, birds, and vegetation for three sites.

Surveys include walking transects surveys, bird point-counts and transect surveys, small mammal trapping, remote motion camera and tracking station surveys, spotlighting surveys, protocol-level blunt-nosed leopard lizard transect surveys, vegetation quadrat and average height surveys, residual dry matter estimation, and photo point stations. Live Oak Associates has completed pre-construction and pre-activity surveys and construction monitoring during various project-related activities on the conservation sites, including perimeter fence installation, San Joaquin kit fox artificial den construction, burrowing owl perch construction, and trash removal. We have collected and submitted over 1,200 special status species observations to the CDFW California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB).



Kern County, California



Project Description

Development of 3,700 acres of solar and 1,928 acres of mitigation land. Current projects include the Maricopa West Solar Project (160-acre) and the 9-C (181-acre) and 10-C (176-acre) Conservation Sites (Mitigation Land).


California High Speed Rail – Merced to Fresno PP1 Segment


Kennedy Table Conservation Bank